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הלכות שבועות : id est Constitutiones de iureiurando ex R. Mosis Maimonidis opere 'תד תהוקת dicto, Latine redditae, variisque notis illustratae = Hilkh͡ōt sh͡evūʻōt id est Constitutiones de iureiurando ex R. Mosis Maimonidis opere ha-Yad ha-ḥazaqah dicto, Latine redditae, variisque notis illustratae
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1706 Publisher: Lugduni in Batavis: apud Cornelium Boutesteyn,

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Maimonide e il suo tempo
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788846482204 8846482204 Year: 2007 Publisher: Roma: Angeli,

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"Da Mosè a Mosè, nessuno è grande come Mosè": in queste proverbiali parole sono riassunte la straordinaria ammirazione e l'eccezionale considerazione che, nell'ambito dell'ebraismo, hanno da sempre accompagnato la figura di Mosè Maimonide (1138-1204). Filosofo, teologo, fisico, medico, scienziato del diritto, studioso della Scrittura, Maimonide nacque a Cordova in un'epoca in cui al-Andalus rappresentava ancora un punto d'incontro fra diverse espressioni spirituali: quelle legate alle tre grandi religioni monoteistiche e quella risalente alla Grecia classica. Costretto ad abbandonare la Spagna a causa della politica intollerante degli Almohadi, Maimonide visse a lungo in Marocco e a Gerusalemme, per stabilirsi infine al Cairo, dove divenne medico personale del sultano Salah ed-Din (il Saladino). Conformemente alla vastità dei suoi interessi, il pensiero maimonideo ha esercitato una duratura influenza sulle più svariate discipline scientifiche e letterarie: dalla filosofia alla giurisprudenza, dalla medicina ai rapporti fra ebraismo, islamismo e cultura latina. Il volume, che raccoglie gli atti del Convegno "Maimonide e il suo tempo" promosso nel gennaio 2005 all'Università degli Studi di Milano dal Centro di Judaica Goren-Goldstein in collaborazione con la Cattedra di Storia della filosofia medievale I, si propone non solo di indagare i diversi settori dell'attività di Maimonide, ma anche di fornire un contributo alla chiarificazione del ricco sostrato culturale entro il quale egli poté sviluppare la sua personalità e a partire dal quale maturò la sua eredità intellettuale.

The medical works of Moses Maimonides : new English translations based on the critical editions of the Arabic manuscripts / by Gerrit Bos.
ISBN: 9789004498884 9789004498877 Year: 2021 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston : Brill,

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This edition contains the collected English translations of the series The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides (17 vols., 2002-2021) that were published by Gerrit Bos in parallel critical editions along with the original Arabic texts. The collection offers three main medical treatises by Maimonides (1138-1204) ( Medical Aphorisms ; Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms ; On Poisons and the Protection against Lethal Drugs and six minor ones ( On Coitus ; On the Regimen of Health ; On the Elucidation of Some Symptoms and the Response to Them ; On Hemorrhoids ; On Asthma ; On Rules Regarding the Practical Part of the Medical Art , presented for the first time in one harmonized volume, supplemented by indexes of diseases, medicinal ingredients, and quoted physicians.

Moses Maimonides
ISBN: 0415036089 Year: 1990 Publisher: London New York Routledge

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ISBN: 9782729844974 272984497X Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris : Ellipses,

The Judaic-law : as opposed to English military-law, gaol-for-debt-law, the pauper-law, and factory-slave-law
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1838 Publisher: London P. Richardson

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The laws of the Hebrews, relating to the poor and the stranger
Authors: ---
Year: 1840 Publisher: London P. Richardson

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Philosophy and law
ISBN: 0585062692 9780585062693 9780791419755 0791419754 9780791419762 0791419762 9781438421438 1438421435 0791419754 0791419762 Year: 1995 Publisher: Albany State University of New York Press

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Leo Strauss's Philosophy and Law contains a groundbreaking study of the political philosophy of Maimonides and his Islamic predecessors, and it offers an argument on behalf of that philosophy which is also a profound critique of modern philosophy. Here is an entirely new and complete English translation of Strauss's work, which takes as its ideal the exacting standards of accuracy that Strauss himself emphasized in his own work. It includes a prefatory essay introducing the argument of each of the four sections of Philosophy and Law.This is a fresh and challenging treatment of the perennial conflict between reason and revelation, or philosophy and religion. Strauss's key contention in this book is that the most influential modern approaches to this conflict have run aground in ways that reflect their loss of key insights developed by the medieval philosophers of Islam and their Jewish pupils, especially Maimonides. Strauss challenges the modern view that scientific enlightenment must ultimately amount to atheism, and that therefore there can be no such thing as enlightened religion. Through a careful, original, and detailed treatment of central works of the medieval Islamic-Jewish tradition, especially Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed, Strauss aims to recover their key insights into this question.

Maimonides'Guide of the perplexed : a philosophical guide
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780226395128 9780226395265 022639512X 9780226637594 022639526X 022663759X Year: 2016 Publisher: London Bloomsbury Book Auctions

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A classic of medieval Jewish philosophy, Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed is as influential as it is difficult and demanding. Not only does the work contain contrary—even contradictory—statements, but Maimonides deliberately wrote in a guarded and dissembling manner in order to convey different meanings to different readers, with the knowledge that many would resist his bold reformulations of God and his relation to mankind. As a result, for all the acclaim the Guide has received, comprehension of it has been unattainable to all but a few in every generation. Drawing on a lifetime of study, Alfred L. Ivry has written the definitive guide to the Guide—one that makes it comprehensible and exciting to even those relatively unacquainted with Maimonides’ thought, while also offering an original and provocative interpretation that will command the interest of scholars. Ivry offers a chapter-by-chapter exposition of the widely accepted Shlomo Pines translation of the text along with a clear paraphrase that clarifies the key terms and concepts. Corresponding analyses take readers more deeply into the text, exploring the philosophical issues it raises, many dealing with metaphysics in both its ontological and epistemic aspects.

Du prophète au savant : l'horizon du savoir chez Maïmonide
ISBN: 9782204089036 2204089036 Year: 2010 Publisher: Paris : Cerf,

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À partir d'une lecture du « Guide des perplexes » de Maïmonide, rabbin, philosophe et médecin (1135-1138-1204), l'auteur analyse la figure du savant et son rôle, dans le temps de l'Exil et de la perte de la prophétie, depuis la chute du Second Temple. La vocation du savant est interrogée à travers la question de la perplexité qui parcourt le traité. Celle-ci n'est pas un égarement mais, en raison des contradictions qu'elle engendre chez le savant, nourrissant sa révolte, elle représente également l'impulsion initiale préparant le savant à restaurer la science profonde de la Loi, c'est-à-dire à refonder la religion grâce à la philosophie pour revivifier cette science ancienne que Maïmonide juge perdue. Par l'étude du mode de restauration de cette science, ce sont les « lumières » proprement maïmonidiennes qu'il s'agit de dessiner. Cette restauration, par le « Guide des perplexes », est-elle réservée à une élite ou sa fonction est-elle également sociale, celle de l'enseignement des masses par cette élite ? De même, est interrogée, en creux, la temporalité de l'accomplissement de la Loi. Cette dernière ne serait pas linéaire mais parcourue de suspens, d'oublis et de pertes, et ce serait à travers ces stations irrégulières que le savant-perplexe aurait à trouver sa voie.

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